Veolia is the world leader in optimized resources management and a specialist in complex pollution. As such, Veolia decided logically to deal with the air pollution issue, which is the leading cause of environmental mortality in the world. The Group has therefore accelerated the development of its already existing Air expertise, by creating an Air Expertise Cluster composed of experts bringing together multiple competences on indoor and outdoor air quality, and by putting in place a network of local referents around the world.
How is Veolia legitimate on the subject of air quality?
Testimony of Antoine Frérot

Veolia has indeed several “know-how bases” to meet the challenge of air quality. In particular: the control of atmospheric emissions from our hazardous waste incineration technologies, or the solutions implemented to control the odors emitted by wastewater treatment plants, or a proven expertise in auditing and for measuring the sanitary water and air flows quality in buildings. On the other hand, for many years, Veolia has supported companies and communities in improving the energy efficiency of their installations, an activity in which we have strong expertise and are among the leaders.
Energy management and air quality in a building are closely linked. Also, taking these two issues into account allows us now to guarantee air quality at optimal cost.”